Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
CJF J-Talk: New Media, New Models
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Who says it’s all dire news for the media industry? Consider these recent arrivals. The West End Phoenix is a community news monthly just launched in Toronto—ad-free and in print. The Conversation Canada is an edition of the Australian website that turns academic research into accessible articles. Discourse Media is an independent, Vancouver-based website finding success in its collaborative approach to journalism. Then there’s The Athletic, a subscription sports website expanding across major North American cities. In an environment where media outlets are struggling, what does it take to launch something new? And what does it take to sustain it?
Join our speakers: David Bidini, founder and publisher of The West End Phoenix; Saleem Khan, emergent platforms, science and technology editor with The Conversation Canada; Erin Millar, editor-in-chief and CEO of Discourse Media; and James Mirtle, editor-in-chief of The Athletic in Canada. Catherine Wallace, the former executive producer of the Montreal Gazette’s iPad 6 pm edition who explored alternative sources of civic news as the 2016-2017 Atkinson Fellow in Public Policy, moderates.
Monday Nov 06, 2017
CJF J-Talk: Did Technology Kill Truth—Or Set It Free?
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Oct. 23, 2017, Toronto - In an age where people have greater access to information than any time in history, are we more—or less—informed, engaged and understanding? Has technology driven us farther into our tribes and bubbles, or has it broadened and deepened our human connections? Is social media too often a purveyor of false news and misinformation, or is it a force for holding power accountable to truth?
This event featured speakers: Denise Balkissoon, editor and columnist with The Globe and Mail; Jonathan Kay, author, columnist and writer; Patrick Lagacé, columnist with La Presse; Jane Lytvynenko, journalist with BuzzFeed News; and Naheed Mustafa, producer, writer and broadcaster, to debate and discuss these fundamental questions. Anne Kornblut, director of strategic communications at Facebook and a Pulitzer Prize winner for her work as the lead editor for The Washington Post's coverage of the Snowden revelations, moderated.
Presented in partnership with the Facebook Journalism Project
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Une constante mutation : quelles seront les prochaines étapes pour les médias ?
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
27 Septembre 2017, Montréal - Dans notre paysage médiatique en constante évolution, les organisations médiatiques cherchent comment assurer un avenir durable au journalisme. Vers quoi devraient-elles se tourner ? Un soutien gouvernemental ? Des allègements fiscaux ? De nouveaux modèles d’affaires ? Joignez-vous aux grands noms des médias québécois lors de cette discussion sur les stratégies qui façonneront l’avenir des médias : Michel Bissonnette, vice-président de Radio-Canada; Guy Crevier, éditeur de La Presse; Brian Myles, directeur du quotidien Le Devoir; et Alexandre Taillefer, associé directeur du fonds d’investissement propriétaire de L’actualité. Ils seront rejoints par Colette Brin, directrice du Centre d’études sur les médias de l’Université Laval. Le modérateur sera Gérald Fillion, l’animateur de l’émission RDI Économie.
September 27, Montreal - In this ever-shifting media landscape, news organizations are anxiously seeking stable footing. What bodes best for a sustainable future for journalism: government support, tax breaks or new business models? On this CJF panel, leaders of Quebec’s top news outlets will discuss future media strategies: Michel Bissonnette, executive vice-president for Radio-Canada; Guy Crevier, publisher of La Presse; Alexandre Taillefer, managing partner of the investment fund that owns L'actualité; and Brian Myles, publisher of Le Devoir . They will be joined by Colette Brin, director of Université Laval’s Centre d’études sur les medias. Gerald Fillion, host of RDI Économie, moderates.
Monday Oct 16, 2017
CJF J-Talk: Covering Canada
Monday Oct 16, 2017
Monday Oct 16, 2017
Toronto, Sept. 19, 2017 - Canada is journalism's latest cool assignment. Renewed international interest in all things Canadian means even we’re looking at our country from a different perspective—thanks in part to the Age of Trump and its contrast with our refugee-embracing, feminist prime minister. From discussing news outlets covering more Canada to others discovering our country and casting it in a flattering light, this panel explores the stories gaining traction with audiences, both locally and abroad, and the stories that still need to be told in a fraught political environment.
Madelaine Drohan, Canada correspondent for The Economist; Jodi Rudoren, editorial director of NYT Global, the international edition of the New York Times, and Stephen Rodrick, the contributing editor for Rolling Stone who recently profiled Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, discuss coverage with moderator Alison Smith, host of CPAC’s foreign affairs show, Perspective with Alison Smith.
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Is Fake News the New Propaganda?
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Toronto, June 13, 2017 - Tim Wu, law professor at Columbia University and author who coined the phrase "net neutrality", and Mathew Ingram, senior writer for Fortune magazine, discuss the blight of fake news.
In conjunction with the Toronto Public Library and the Toronto Star, as part of the Star Talks and CJF J-Talks series.
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
May 24, 2017 - They are among the world’s most unrelenting truth seekers. Renowned, award-winning journalists and authors discuss the need to apply constant, critical pressure on an American president who threatens the very fabric of democracy, journalism, civil society and the truth.
In the second discussion of this two-part Toronto event, Matt Taibbi, author of the recently published Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus and contributing editor to Rolling Stone, was in conversation with David Walmsley, editor-in-chief of The Globe and Mail, on journalism’s response to this ongoing circus and chaotic presidency.
In the first discussion (separate broadcast), featured speakers were Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of Democracy Now!; Juan González, co-host of Democracy Now!; Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer-prize winner and co-founder of The Intercept; Jeremy Scahill, war correspondent and co-founder of The Intercept, and Vicky Mochama, national columnist with Metro News. Their conversation was moderated by Hannah Sung, video and podcast producer for The Globe and Mail.
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
May 24, 2017 - They are among the world’s most unrelenting truth seekers. Renowned, award-winning journalists and authors discuss the need to apply constant, critical pressure on an American president who threatens the very fabric of democracy, journalism, civil society and the truth.
In this first of a two-part Toronto event, this discussion features Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of Democracy Now!; Juan González, co-host of Democracy Now!; Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer-prize winner and co-founder of The Intercept; Jeremy Scahill, war correspondent and co-founder of The Intercept, and Vicky Mochama, national columnist with Metro News. Their conversation was moderated by Hannah Sung, video and podcast producer for The Globe and Mail.
The second discussion (separate broadcast) features Matt Taibbi, author of the recently published Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus and contributing editor to Rolling Stone, in conversation with David Walmsley, editor-in-chief of The Globe and Mail, on journalism’s response to this ongoing circus and chaotic presidency.
Monday Apr 24, 2017
What To Be, or Not To Be: The Public News Broadcaster's Dilemma
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Toronto, April 20, 2017 - In an increasingly fractured, crowded and competitive media environment, what is the role of the public broadcaster when it comes to news? This discussion explored the challenges faced by public broadcasters on both sides of the pond, featuring James Harding, director of news and current affairs for the BBC; Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief of CBC News; and Michael Oreskes, senior vice-president of news and editorial director for NPR, in a conversation moderated by Simon Houpt, senior media writer with The Globe and Mail.
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
No Safe Space: Harassment of Women in Media
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
CJF J-Talk - Changing the Face of Media
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Toronto, Feb. 22, 2017 - Each in their own way and some with greater force than others, these journalists are pushing for a greater diversity of stories and voices across media—both to reflect the greater community and to effect change within it: Desmond Cole, journalist and broadcaster; Scaachi Koul, culture writer with BuzzFeed Canada; Hannah Sung, video and podcast producer with The Globe and Mail; and Arti Patel, lifestyle editor with The Huffington Post. Angie Seth, weekend anchor for Global News at 6.